South Sudan’s Vice President James Wani Igga has welcomed the coming of the members of the SPLM-IO to Juba ahead of the arrival of the group’s chairman Riek Machar.
SPLM-IO signed a peace deal with the government in August last year.
Igga called on all South Sudanese to open a new chapter for reconciliation, peace and stability for the development of the country, according to remarks made Thursday in Yei.
“Our brother Alfred Lado Gore has come and I believe on the 18th our brother Riak Machar will come to Juba,” said Igga, referring to the chairman and deputy chairman of SPLM-IO.
“Therefore let us open a new chapter for tranquility and stability because sustainable development plans will be usually disrupted if we don’t have peace and security. So we must support the agreement,” he added.
The vice president also warned against tribalism and nepotism that slows down unity and national development.
“The issue of tribalism: If we South Sudanese cannot bury tribalism then tribalism will bury us. We must bury tribalism. Then there is one thing call nepotism, now that ministries will be formed but some ministers will employ people starting from the director general up to the messenger from his area.”
Igga stressed, “This is very wrong. We must employ people according to capacities. That is the foundation for our unity”.
Follow Radio Tamazuj on website, Twitter or Facebook for live updates tomorrow (Monday) on the scheduled arrival of SPLM/A-IO Chairman Riek Machar to Juba.