Tambura IDPs in Nagero County. [Photo: Radio Tamazuj]

IDPs in Nagero appeal for humanitarian aid

The Internal Displaced Persons (IDPs) who fled conflict in Tambura County in 2021, and are currently in Nagero County are pleading for humanitarian assistance saying they have not received any aid from the government or humanitarian organizations for a year.

The Internal Displaced Persons (IDPs) who fled conflict in Tambura County in 2021, and are currently in Nagero County are pleading for humanitarian assistance saying they have not received any aid from the government or humanitarian organizations for a year. 

Intercommunal clashes between the Azanda and Balanda communities of Tambura County in Western Equatoria State two years ago, led to the loss of hundreds of lives, thousands of people were displaced from their homes, and properties were destroyed. 

The IDPs in Nagero said they only received food and non-food items when they arrived in Nagero.

The chairman of the IDP camp David Peter told Radio Tamazuj that more than 3,000 IDPs are in dire need of support. 

“Up to now for us in the camp, there is no water for drinking and there is no education for our children. Our condition is not good here in Nagero County, so we are appealing to all humanitarian organizations, by all means, let them come to our rescue here in Nagero because here children are dying of hunger,” he lamented. 

“A group of people has voluntarily returned to Tambura because life is hard here, there is nothing to survive on. But the situation is not better at home, many are still here with me,” Peter said. 

He mentioned that many people want to go back home but not only lack transportation means, but they also have no home to go back to since their houses were burned down. 

Efforts to reach Nagero County authorities were unsuccessful.