Hunger strikes Pochalla county in Boma state: official

Thousands of people are affected by food shortages in Pochalla County in Boma State, according to a local official.

Thousands of people are affected by food shortages in Pochalla County in Boma State, according to a local official.

Omot Hassan Odiel, the Relief and Rehabilitation Commission Secretary of Pochalla County, told Radio Tamazuj from Pochalla on Thursday that many people have fled to neighboring Ethiopia as a result of starvation.

“People, especially women and children are now leaving the county to look for food in Ethiopia. The hunger is really affecting many people here in Pochalla,” he said.

The government official said that the locals are surviving on wild fruits to stay alive, pointing that Odiel pointed out that floods destroyed crops in the county last year.

He noted that the current situation is likely to deteriorate further if there is no humanitarian intervention.