Hundreds of Blue Nile families displaced in Sennar

Hundreds of families from Sudan’s Blue Nile state have been displaced to Sennar state amidst conditions they described as critical.

Hundreds of families from Sudan’s Blue Nile state have been displaced to Sennar state amidst conditions they described as critical.

A number of citizens told Radio Tamazuj that families fled the area of Bot following recent clashes between the SPLA-North and the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) in Kurmuk and the SAF’s military reinforcement in preparation for the summer campaign.

They claimed that IDPs are living in harsh conditions with their relatives in Sennar state due to a lack of camps or aid organizations.  Sennar state authorities, along with the Sudanese government, have refused to allow organizations to assist the displaced in the region.

“There is also an increase in the prices due to the overpopulation that occurred and there is a lack of the provision of services by the government, an issue which is exacerbating the suffering of the people. The deterioration of health conditions is also in the hospital as patients of the IDPs and the local people are not getting enough medication or services in Sennar hospital,” One IDP recounted, explaining health services.

 “There is a need for the relevant authorities to intervene before situation bursts,” one source confirmed.