SPLA-IO's Gen. Jacinto Alberto Nimir (L) and UNMISS' Sam Muhumure (R) during the meeting. (Photo: Radio Tamazuj)

Humanitarian organizations to resume operations in Baggari, Wau County

Humanitarian organizations are set to resume operations in Baggari Payam of Wau County in Western Bahr el Ghazal state after more than six months.

Humanitarian organizations are set to resume operations in Baggari Payam of Wau County in Western Bahr el Ghazal state after more than six months.

The Humanitarian agencies operating in the area suspended their activities in Baggari early this year after a misunderstanding with local SPLA-IO commanders.

The decision to resume operations came after the SPLA-IO forces in the area gave assurances of free access and passage to NGOs following a meeting with an integrated humanitarian team led by the UNMISS’ state field coordinator, Sam Muhumure, that visited Baggari on Tuesday.

During the meeting, SPLA-IO’s commander in Baggari, Maj. Gen. Jacinto Alberto Nimir assured the humanitarian organizations of free movement and urged them to resume operations in greater Wau County without fear.

“From today onwards, their way will be open, and there will be no problem at the checkpoints,” Gen. Nimir reassured. “In any country, there are criminals and thieves and I want to inform all the humanitarians that if there is any small problem, they should come back to the chiefs and our security and sit as we are sitting now.”

“The door is open for all the humanitarian partners to assist the needy in Baggari,” he added.

On his part, the head of UNMISS’ field office in Western Bahr el Ghazal State, Sam Muhumure, said the activities of the humanitarians will resume immediately because they have been reassured of free access.

“We had a very good discussion with all the chiefs of greater Baggari and the military (SPLA-IO) commanders and we have agreed on a very firm coordination framework that we will start implementing immediately led by OCHA and led by their Relief and Rehabilitation coordinator,” Muhumure said.

He said the issues that were hampering humanitarian access have been addressed.

“We are hopeful that we will address all the challenges humanitarians have been facing in the course of delivering assistance to the people in need in the greater Baggari area,” Muhumure added.