High prices in Abyei market ‘may continue to rise’

Abyei natives who recently returned to the area are dissatisfied with the rise of commodity prices and lack of essential goods in local markets.

Abyei natives who recently returned to the area are dissatisfied with the rise of commodity prices and lack of essential goods in local markets.

Trader Abdullah Ishaaq told Radio Tamazuj that “soaring prices in the markets” are due to poor roads connecting Abyei with other states of South Sudan. Shop owners predict that, if the condition of vital roads does not improve, prices will continue to rise.

A local source noted that a sack of sugar rose from SSP320 to SSP340, “ excluding the SSP60 paid for transportation costs”. He also said a sack of flour now costs SSP420, while a bag of onion is SSP1,570, both including transportation costs. The price of a carton of milk, the source concluded, boosted to SSP200.

Hundreds of people were repatriated to Abyei to take part in a referendum initially scheduled for October which should determine whether the region will belong to Sudan or South Sudan.

File photo: Buram Market (Radio Tamazuj)

RelatedDeng Alor: Referendum to be discussed with AU team (11 October 2013)