Herder killed, 600 cattle missing after Ayod raids

A herder was killed, another was reported missing while two others sustained injuries in separate attacks in Ayod County of Jonglei State on Wednesday and Sunday, local officials said.

A herder was killed, another was reported missing while two others sustained injuries in separate attacks in Ayod County of Jonglei State on Wednesday and Sunday, local officials said.

James Chuol Jiek, the Commissioner of Ayod County, told Radio Tamazuj that 680 heads of cattle were raided in the attacks.

“The first attack was in Pieth Boma. One herdsman was killed, and 180 cattle were raided. In the second attack in Gul Boma, one man is missing, two were injured, and 500 cattle were raided,” James explained.

He accused armed youth from the Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA) of involvement in the attacks and called on GPAA authorities to apprehend the culprits and stop their youth from launching attacks.

Gabriel Tot Kai, the county SPLM party secretary-general, also confirmed the incidents and said all the local youth who were pursuing the attackers in a bid to recover the stolen animal had since Thursday returned.

For his part, Abraham Kelang, the GPAA information minister, said no Pibor youth were involved in the attacks.

“We do not know of any of our youth who had moved there, and those are not our youth. What we know is that a few days ago, there was a problem between Ayod youth and those in Uror. So accusation without evidence should be stopped,” he said. 

Cattle raids and child abduction are common among the communities in the Greater Jonglei state. Several attempts to make peace and stop cattle rustling have borne no fruit.