
Helicopter briefly detained in Jebel Boma County

A helicopter that was briefly held by authorities in Jebel Boma County, South Sudan, over an unauthorized landing has been released and allowed to return to the capital, Juba, a local official said.

Peter Ajany Kaimoi, the Local Government Minister of the Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA), told Radio Tamazuj on Thursday evening that the aircraft was not formally detained but that its crew had been summoned for questioning to clarify their mission in the area.

“The helicopter landed in an uninhabited location about 15 kilometres outside Jebel Boma town earlier today before flying back to the town,” Mr Kaimoi explained. “The authorities were surprised as to why it had landed in a remote area rather than where there is a government presence.”

The incident prompted local officials to direct the helicopter to the GPAA headquarters in Pibor town for further inquiries, he added.

“The county commissioner reported the situation to us, and we instructed that the helicopter be allowed to proceed to Pibor,” Mr Kaimoi said. “Upon arrival, the crew identified themselves as investors but could not provide any documentation to support their claims.”

He added: “We advised them to return to Juba and gather the necessary documents if they intend to operate in this area. This was not a detention but a request for clarification. There were three foreign nationals on board the helicopter.”

Jebel Boma County is known for its gold mines and potential oil reserves, which have attracted interest from investors in recent years.