The Commissioner of Police in Western Bahr el Ghazal State on Tuesday revealed the deployment of a joint security team comprising over 2,000 personnel in Wau Town ahead of the New Year celebrations on Wednesday.
Speaking to Radio Tamazuj at the state police headquarters, Major General Abednego Akol Ayuong said the members of the team are drawn from the police, army, National Security Service (NSS), and other organized forces and will remain on duty for the next three days.
“We are prepared for the New Year 2025 and we have already made our plans for the day. Today (Tuesday) we are assembling our forces, a total of 2,077 personnel and 87 officers to command them,” he stated. “We deployed them all around the town and at all the entrances and outlets of the state so that security prevails.”
Gen. Akol added: “I am giving you an assurance that we are doing our work and we will secure you and your properties without any interference from anybody.”
He also warned armed forces against firing their guns in the air to celebrate the New Year and said offenders would be dealt with. He called on the citizens to cooperate with the security team and report crimes.
“Help us with any information, our phones are online and we need you the civilians to keep informing us so that our forces can quickly respond,” Gen. Akol said.