Heavy rains expose landmines north of Bahri in Khartoum

The recent heavy rains have eroded soil and uncovered landmines in the fields north of Bahri along the road leading to the Nile River State.

The Bahri Emergency Room has issued urgent warnings to residents about the landmines scattered in the northern areas, which have become apparent due to recent flooding.

The Emergency Room advised citizens to exercise caution and avoid drainage channels and areas suspected to be mined to ensure their safety.

In a statement to Radio Tamazuj, Khalid Hamdan, the former director of the National Mine Action Center, warned of the dangers of landmines planted on roads and in populated areas, noting that they pose a significant threat to both human and animal life.

A military expert, Major General Moatasim Abdelgadir, accused the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) of planting the mines that have now been revealed by the rains and floods in northern Bahri, citing the RSF’s control over some areas north of Bahri as evidence.

“All fighting parties, especially those in a defensive position, resort to planting mines, making them an ongoing threat until they are removed,” he stated

Abdelgadir also pointed out that the Sudanese army plants mines around military garrisons, warning that these internationally banned weapons result in civilian casualties and amputations, particularly among children. He called on all warring parties, including the RSF, to refrain from using such weapons.

Meanwhile, Kamal Karrar, a member of the Central Committee of the Sudanese Communist Party, highlighted the severe danger that landmines pose to civilians, explaining that they cause fatalities and limb amputations when they explode. He noted that mines are typically planted on roads and flat lands, putting both human and animal lives at risk.

“To protect civilians, the United Nations has endorsed a convention prohibiting the production, distribution, and transfer of these types of mines, and Sudan has ratified this convention,” he said.

Karrar pointed out that both parties are exploiting the ongoing conflict to plant mines and use them as weapons, often at the expense of civilians. He held both sides responsible for the safety of civilians due to their combat and military activities.