Health Link takes charges of services in Eastern Equatoria

Health Pool Fund has nominated Health Link South Sudan to manage health services in Eastern Equatoria State for a two-year contract.

The Health Pooled Fund, supported by multiple donors, focuses on strengthening health systems and delivering essential health services in South Sudan. 

Officials told Radio Tamazuj that Health Link South Sudan would be implementing the Sector Transformation Project in Magwi, Torit, Lafon, Imehejek administrative area, Ikotos and Budi County.

The project, whose amount was not revealed, will intensify service delivery and take the lead in paying workers and the provision of drugs across the six Eastern Equatoria State counties.

Health Pool Fund on Thursday handed over a five-door land cruiser vehicle to Health Link South Sudan for the project.

The Torit Health Link South Sudan Program Manager, Godfrey Anywar, pledged to use the resources to benefit the local population.

He added that implementing health sector transformation in the state was a boost to his organization, and called for cooperation among the implementing partners.

“It is a big boost for us as Health Link South Sudan in terms of the sector transformation project that we started implementing in Eastern Equatoria. This vehicle will support enormously in terms of service delivery across loads 4 and 5, and we pledge to use these resources effectively,” he explained.

The Torit Health Pool Fund Project Coordinator, Dr Amin Gordiano Okwahi, said the vehicle would ease the delivery of health services to the grassroots populations.

“Today, we are witnessing the handing over of the state field office for the HPF vehicle to Health Link, which is taking the lead in the new project, which started on July 1 and will continue for the signed period. There were a lot of challenges in regard to the logistics, but we expect the activities to move smoothly now,” he said.

Eastern Equatoria State Health Director General Dr Etin Concord witnessed the handing over and confirmed the vehicle was in good condition.

He tasked Health Link, in partnership with other partners, to prioritize and improve the health services in the state.

“We have witnessed the handing over of the keys to the Health Link personnel, and the vehicle is in very good condition. We wish Health Pool Fund good luck, and we hope that HPF may also come in and serve in this state,” he said.