Health clinics in Morobo County understaffed: official

Authorities in Morobo County say that there are not enough nurses and doctors at health facilities in the state, including a lack of surgical capacity at the main hospital in Morobo town.

Authorities in Morobo County say that there are not enough nurses and doctors at health facilities in the state, including a lack of surgical capacity at the main hospital in Morobo town.

Last month, the national ministry of health upgraded Morobo health facility into a full state hospital without human resource deployment to the area.

Morobo County Commissioner Jacob Toti told Radio Tamazuj that most of the primary health centres in the five payams are also understaffed. He says patients with critical complications are being referred to Yei civil hospital for medical attention.

“The health facilities in Morobo are completely very, very poor in terms of human resource. In the hospital alone, we are having eight nurses including the medical assistant. Even if you have nice health facility equipped with drugs and other tools but without nurses then you cannot be able to operate. Normally we refer cases of complications to Yei,” he said.