Gunmen rustle 800 cattle in Gumuruk, GPAA

About 800 head of cattle were rustled during a raid by an armed youth group in Gumuruk County, Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA) on Tuesday, local officials said.

About 800 head of cattle were rustled during a raid by an armed youth group in Gumuruk County, Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA) on Tuesday, local officials said.

Joseph Lelimoy, the GPAA finance minister and a community leader, told Radio Tamazuj Wednesday that the incident occurred when armed youth attacked a cattle camp in the Bichbich area in Gumuruk on Tuesday evening.

“On Tuesday at 9 pm, a group of armed youth from Lou Nuer in Jonglei State attacked Bichbich area east of Pibor town,” he said. “800 cattle were rustled but details about human causalities are still scanty.”

The local official said local youths were still pursuing the attackers in a bid to recover the rustled cattle.

Meanwhile, John Abulla, the acting GPAA chief administrator, said they are in communication with their Jonglei State counterparts to help recover the stolen cattle.

For his part, James Bol Makuey, the Nyirol County commissioner, said no youth from Jonglei were involved in any attacks in GPAA.

“Up until yesterday, Lou Nuer youth were engaged in peace meetings with Ayod youths. None of our youth crossed there (GPPA). I even communicated to the Uror County commissioner who also repeated the same,” he said. “It is just an allegation.”