Gunmen abduct 3 Akobo County girls

Women and girls walk back after getting food in Bentiu, using a path through the bush for fear of being attacked on the main road, near Nhialdu in South Sudan (AP file photo) September 12, 2024 EASTERN EQUATORIA

At least three girls were abducted by suspected militiamen from the Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA) while traveling between Walgak and Lankien on Sunday, officials said in Akobo County, Jonglei State.

Akobo County Commissioner Puok Nyang told Radio Tamazuj that the abduction followed a pattern of violence against innocent children and women in his area, raising concerns about the fragile peace established over the past years.

“Murle militiamen from GPAA surprisingly abducted three girls aged 14 to 16 years from Walgak in Akobo County this morning (Sunday),” Nyang said.

He said the incident was a serious violation of the Pre-Inter-Communal Governmental Structure (ICGS) agreement reached during last month’s meeting in Juba and Pieri.

Nyang called upon the GPAA leadership to urgently identify the children and take them to their parents.

The situation is particularly troubling as it echoes a similar incident in April 2024 when three children were abducted and are believed to be in the custody of a known individual.

Commissioner Nyang said 12 children have been reported abducted over the past three months in Nyirol.

“If nothing is urgently done to address this series of abductions, the peace we have built will be in jeopardy,” Nyang warned.

“I urge both the state and national authorities to take a firm stand against the rising tide of violence and abduction that threaten the security and stability of the state,” he said.

GPAA Information Minister Oleyo Akuer said he was not aware of the incident but would contact the officials in the counties bordering Akobo to trace the suspects.

“We are not aware of something like that. We will check that information from the commissioners of the counties that border Akobo like Likwangule,” Akuer said.

Child abduction and cattle rustling are common between GPAA and Jonglei State despite many goodwill agreements between the Nuer, the Dinka and Murle communities.