Greater Jonglei communities agree to peacefully settle dispute

Communities of greater Jonglei state have resolved to live peacefully following a deadly attack that led to deaths and high tensions in Ayod and Duk counties.

Communities of greater Jonglei state have resolved to live peacefully following a deadly attack that led to deaths and high tensions in Ayod and Duk counties.

In mid-July at least 9 people were killed including cattle traders and more than 70 cattle raided in both Duk Padiet and Duk Pagak counties, prompting tension among the neighboring communities.

Jonglei State governor Philip Aguer told Radio Tamazuj that the Nuer and Dinka neighboring communities agreed to resolve their differences peacefully after a high level delegation visited the area.

“After the incident on the 13th of July, I (Governor Aguer), governor of Fangak John Koang and governor of Bieh Moses Majok went to Duk and Ayod to find for ourselves the reality on the ground. As a result of our meetings with the three community chiefs of Fangak, Jonglei, Bieh states, 35 from 74 heads of cattle that were looted from traders were recovered in Duk Pagak by commissioners of Ayod and SPLA forces,” he said.

Aguer pointed out that the chiefs assured them that they will enhance good neighborliness with bordering communities.

“They demanded for blood compensation, return of abducted cattle and they were happy with our visits,” Aguer added.

Governor Aguer noted that they are still in search of the culprits involved in last months’ attack.