Governor removes Yei River County commissioner

Central Equatoria State Governor Clement Wani Konga issued a gubernatorial decree removing the Yei River County Commissioner David Juma Augustine and replacing him with Bedale Cosmos Sumbe.

Central Equatoria State Governor Clement Wani Konga issued a gubernatorial decree removing the Yei River County Commissioner David Juma Augustine and replacing him with Bedale Cosmos Sumbe.

Kong also issued another decision dismissing the Mayor of Yei municipality Cecilia Oba from office and appointed Santo Paul Lasuba as a new mayor.

Finally, Governor Konga dismissed a member of the Central Equatorial State Employees’ Justice and Public Grievances Chamber, Michael Modi Apolo.

The orders were announced on South Sudan Television (SSTV) Thursday and went into effect from 28 August. The decree gave no reasons for dismissal of the senior government officials.

Juma David Augustine, the outgoing commissioner of Yei River County, is reported to have accepted his removal without protest.

“It is in the interest of the people of the Republic of South Sudan and, for that matter the people of Central Equatoria State. Change in leadership is a positive phenomenon,” he said on Radio Miraya.