Governor Futuyo’s interface with Council of States deferred

The upper house of parliament, the Council of States, which summoned Western Equatoria State Governor Gen. Alfred Futuyo Karaba has postponed the meeting to a date yet to be mentioned.

The upper house of parliament, the Council of States, which summoned Western Equatoria State Governor Gen. Alfred Futuyo Karaba has postponed the meeting to a date yet to be mentioned.

The legislators summoned Futuyo to appear today, Wednesday, to answer some questions about encroachment by elements from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) on South Sudanese territory in the Western Equatoria.

Governor Futuyo arrived in Juba on Tuesday but received a letter from Speaker Deng Deng Akon in the evening postponing of the meeting.

“The sitting referred herein has been adjourned for a later date to be fixed and communicated to you accordingly,” the letter read in part.

Gen. Futuyo’s press secretary, Alex Digi, confirmed the adjournment and said the governor will return to Yambio since the new date has not been decided.

“Yesterday (Tuesday) we received a letter about the adjournment of the Council of States sitting but they did not communicate the new date so the governor will not remain in Juba waiting,” he said. “He will return home to the state to do other work while waiting for a new directive.”

Over the past few months, there have been many incidents of insecurity along the South Sudan-DRC and the South Sudan-Central Africa Republic (CAR) borders.

In a recent skirmish, a SSPDF officer was injured in Source Yubu Payam in Tambura County, Western Equatoria State when Seleka rebels from CAR clashed with a South Sudanese youth group known as Ani Kpi Gbe.