Governor Futuyo in Juba to appear before Council of States

The upper house of the Transitional National Legislature, the Council of State, has summoned Western Equatoria State Governor Gen. Alfred Futuyo Karaba to Juba to answer queries regarding insecurity.

The upper house of the Transitional National Legislature, the Council of State, has summoned Western Equatoria State Governor Gen. Alfred Futuyo Karaba to Juba to answer queries regarding insecurity.

A letter summoning Futuyo and signed by Speaker Deng Deng Akoon stated that the sitting will be about “encroachment into South Sudan territories by the government of the Republic of Uganda, Kenya and the Democratic Republic of Congo.”

The letter requested the Western Equatoria State governor to appear and answer questions by parliamentarians on Wednesday.

“Your esteemed office is hereby summoned to make an appearance before the August House to follow the proceedings referred herein and to take questions from Hon. MPs regarding the subject matter.” the letter reads in part.

Governor Futuyo’s press secretary, Alex Daniel Digi, confirmed receipt of the letter and said that Gen. Futuyo had already arrived in Juba and will appear before the Council of States.

“I can confirm that the governor of Western Equatoria State is currently in Juba to respond to the summon of the Council of States,” he said. “The governor will appear in parliament tomorrow Wednesday at 10 am.”