Photo: Information Minister Michael Makuei

Government to deduct part of civil servants pay for peace implementation

The South Sudan government has announced that all civil servants will lose a day’s pay each month to fund the implementation of the revitalized peace agreement.

The South Sudan government has announced that all civil servants will lose a day's pay each month to fund the implementation of the revitalized peace agreement.

Information minister Michael Makuei addressing the press in Juba on Wednesday said the implementation of the peace agreement is a collective effort.

"The cabinet decided that all the employees in the public sector should monthly contribute a one-day pay from their salaries for the next four months in the interest of the peace because peace has a value and if we need peace then definitely we must all contribute towards peace," he said.

This is part of the government's efforts to raise more than 44 billion South Sudanese Pounds, an equivalent of $280 million needed to fund the implementation of the peace process.

Makuei further urged the business community, civil society, and stakeholders including the international community to also contribute towards this course, saying the government has also made its commitment.

"The cabinet immediately directed the minister of finance to transfer to the accounts of the NPTC a sum of $10 million so that they can start operating with it meanwhile they will be raising the rest of the money," he added.

Recently, the ceasefire monitoring mechanism (CTSAMVM) said its activities had stalled due to budget constraints.

After the signing of the peace agreement, the international community appealed to the South Sudan government to make financial commitments towards the implementation process before they chip in.