Gok state tribal vendetta killed 44: official

File photo: Armed youth from Lakes state. (Gurtong)

A wave of tit-for-tat attacks between two communities in South Sudan’s Gok State on 5 August left 44 people dead, a senior state official said Tuesday.

A wave of tit-for-tat attacks between two communities in South Sudan’s Gok State on 5 August left 44 people dead, a senior state official said Tuesday.

Gok Governor Madhang Majok Meen told Radio Tamazuj today that at least 44 people were killed and 62 others wounded after revenge attacks between the Ayiel and Waat sections of the Dinka tribe in the state.

He further said the incident started after armed youths from the Waat section killed a man from the Ayiel at a cattle camp.

Meen explained that the fighting at the cattle camp sparked a wave of retaliatory attacks in Cueitbet town. The governor complained about the proliferation of arms in the hands of civilians in Gok state.

He pointed out that the state government plans to collect all firearms from the civilians in the state through local chiefs. Meen noted that they have not yet arrested those involved in the recent revenge attacks.

The senior state official urged the people of his state to refrain from violence for the sake of peace and stability. He stressed that the state government will apply tough penalties against whoever involved in the attacks. 

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