Gogrial governor removes security adviser

The Governor of Gogrial State, Gregory Deng Kuach, has issued an executive order sacking a security advisor less than six months since his appointment.

 The Governor of Gogrial State, Gregory Deng Kuach, has issued an executive order sacking a security advisor less than six months since his appointment.

In a gubernatorial decree on Saturday, Gregory removed Akot Lual Akot from his position as security adviser. The order did not cite any reason for sacking the official.

For his part, Akot confirmed to Radio Tamazuj on Saturday that he was not consulted before his removal but thanked the governor for his trust and cooperation during his time as advisor to him.

 "Yes, I am no longer the adviser.  I have been relieved from my position, which is a normal thing for me.  I just want to thank the governor for trust and cooperation he gave me during the time I spent as the security adviser,” said Akot.

“I would therefore like to wish my replacement the best of luck and I am ready to extend any helping hand if they require any support from me,” he added.