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KUACJOK - 25 Jan 2017

Gogrial governor cancels ban of alcohol consumption

Gregory Deng Kuac Adol, governor of Gogrial state has issued directives reversing the ban for consumption of alcohol in the state, citing lack of law restricting and prohibiting it

 ''Public comfort returns to the sub-national capital-Kuajok after illegal orders imposed on its residents are overturned in accordance with the provisions of human rights' laws as provided for in South Sudan and Gogrial state constitutions, notes a statement from his office.

 The former governor Abraham Gum issued the order banning sale and consumption of alcohol in town, citing rise in idleness and criminal activities due to high level consumption of alcohol.

The banned the sale and consumption of any type of alcohol in hotels, bars, clubs and any other place will be illegal  in the state from today.  But the new governor, according to the statement from his office ruled that the ban is "illegal, impractical and unconstitutional.

Photo: Governor Gregory Deng Kuac (Credit: Gurtong)