Unknown gunmen kill traders, burglary goes wrong.
Unknown gunmen killed four local traders in Gogrial
At least four local traders were killed in an ambush on Tuesday evening in Gogrial. The traders were on the way from Pan Achier market to their homes when they were killed by unknown gun-men.
Pan Achier market is located along the border between the communities of Aguok and Apuk, raising tensions between the two and forcing authorities to respond.
The Apuk and Aguok communities agreed in a peace conference held at Pan Nyuom in June that any incident of this kind should be treated as criminal act.
Meanwhile, one person was killed and another sustained gunshots in a separate burglary attacked on the Kuajok – Gogrial road on the same evening of Tuesday at around 9PM.
The wounded persons are now receiving treatment at Kuajok main hospital.
Kuajok town Mayor John Akol Akol Ngor spoke to local media and said that the attack took place less than 1 kilometre away from the city centre.
“The victim was attacked while on the way to his home at Pan Achier a distance less than 1 kilometre away from the main city centre. He was stabbed at the stomach and later passed away in the hospital” Akol said.
No arrests have been made.