Ghanian peacekeepers in Abyei receive prestigious UN medals

[Photo: UNISFA]

A total of 633 soldiers and 80 officers from the pioneering Ghana Battalion (GHANBATT) and Ghana Level II Plus Medical Unit (GHANMED) serving with the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA), on Thursday received the prestigious United Nations Peacekeeping Medals at a colorful medal parade held at the Battalion Headquarters in Athony.

A total of 633 soldiers and 80 officers from the pioneering Ghana Battalion (GHANBATT) and Ghana Level II Plus Medical Unit (GHANMED) serving with the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA), on Thursday received the prestigious United Nations Peacekeeping Medals at a colorful medal parade held at the Battalion Headquarters in Athony.

According to a UN press release, the medals are in recognition of their meritorious service and immense contributions towards the peace process in the Abyei Administrative Area. Also decorated were Headquarter Staff Officers and some Military Observers.

Addressing the contingents, the Acting Head of Mission/Force Commander, Major General Benjamin Olufemi Sawyerr, applauded the peacekeepers for exhibiting a high sense of professionalism and dedication in the performance of their duties.

“Beginning with the first attack on a GHANBATT Recce Team to Agok on 6 March 2022, the Unit has come under unprecedented direct attacks of armed elements on 10 different occasions in their line of duty, making you the first that bear the scar of peace on your equipment”, said General Sawyerr.

He said that through all these incidents, GHANBATT 1 courageously stood their ground and defended UNISFA personnel and installations, and protected civilians under imminent danger.

General Sawyerr also said he noted with satisfaction how on several occasions, the unit went out into communities under attack to save lives and properties giving first aid, food, and shelter to internally displaced persons at the peril of their own lives, stressing that the battalion deserves the highest commendation for the extreme show of bravery and professionalism.

“I wish to express my satisfaction with the effective way you have operated in Sector South which is currently the most sensitive area in the Box,” the mission chief said.

The Acting Head of Mission expressed satisfaction with the fact that aside from all the daily operational commitment, GHANBATT has taken a keen interest in education within Sector South leading to several donations to most of the schools within the area, holding periodic medical outreaches, opening its health post at all its locations to offer support to locals which have helped save several lives.

“The veterinary services provided to the locals have been a novelty in this Mission which has been highly appreciated by the locals, given that animal husbandry is their mainstay,” Gen. Sawyerr said.

He commended the professional services provided by Col. Thomas Gbiseh and his medical team at Ghana Level 2 Plus Hospital which is the sole provider of radiological and dental services in Abyei Box, on which the local community depends. He also commended the Sector South Commander, Lt Col Eric Aboagye Tieku for the exemplary manner he has led his troops to achieve the great feat and for displaying professionalism, courage, and flexibility to lead a well-trained and highly motivated force to weather every storm that confronted the Unit despite the austere resources available to him.

Delivering a goodwill message from the people and government of Ghana, the leader of the delegation Major General Charles Kodjo Abede Asomanning Awity, thanked UNISFA leadership for the support given to the Ghanian Battalion and the Medical Unit which made them perform creditably well even though they arrived at the mission area with little logistics.

He solicited the same support for the incoming battalions that may be coming soon to replace them and pledged the Ghanaian government’s commitment to supporting UNISFA and peacekeeping globally.