A representative from the Government of South Sudan, Head of Cooperation at the German Embassy, the leadership of ACROSS and Christian Blind Mission and representatives from different NGOs.

German-funded multisector disability-inclusive resilience building project launched in C. Equatoria

The people of Central Equatoria State have a reason to smile after the launch of a historic multi-sectorial disability inclusive resilience building for IDPs, refugees, and host communities in the state, a statement said Wednesday.

 The people of Central Equatoria State have a reason to smile after the launch of a historic multi-sectorial disability inclusive resilience building for IDPs, refugees, and host communities in the state, a statement said Wednesday.

The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), implemented by Christoffel-Blindenmission e.V. (Christian Blind Mission) in partnership with ACROSS is targeting over 36,000 people and will primarily be implemented in Juba, Yei, Lainya and Morobo counties.

According to the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Juba, the project is in response to the challenging situations of the refugees, host communities, people with disabilities, and other vulnerable people and is funded under Germany’s Special Initiative on “Displaced Persons and Host Countries.”

“The Project will bridge the current humanitarian gaps in the country by ensuring access to basic human needs such as access to clean water and sanitation, food security and livelihood, peacebuilding plus reducing Gender Based Violence,” the statement read in part. “The German Embassy, key government officials from the national and state governments, non-governmental organizations, Disabled People Organization and religious leaders were present to grace the launch.”

CBM Country Director, Mr. Francis Orech Okello, thanked the German government for the funding support. He requested the implementing partner to be agile and highly accountable for every single dollar spent. He emphasized quality and timeliness in all aspects of the project and encouraged inclusion since it’s the framework on which the project has been conceived.

The German Head of Cooperation and Deputy Head of Mission to South Sudan, Dr. Bjorn Niere, said the project is not just about providing immediate aid but also about building sustainable systems that will continue to benefit the communities long after the project has ended.

“This includes training local farmers, establishing local committees for water management, and promoting income-generating activities,” he said. “Your dedication and hard work are making a significant difference in the lives of many. Let us continue to work together for a better future for South Sudan.”

For his part, Mr. Gabriel Genge, the Register General of the Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (RRC) whose role is to provide oversight on the NGOs, expressed hope as the country prepares to battle serious humanitarian challenges.

“The inclusive nature of this event demonstrates transparency by Christian Blind Mission and ACROSS and the government will continue to demand accountability, audit, and structural reports of all aid agencies,” Genge said.

The host, Governor Mr. Emmanuel Adil, who was represented by the State Minister of Social Welfare, Mrs. Huda Micah, thanked the people of Germany, CBM, and ACROSS for their noble quest to save lives saying, “This project will significantly enhance the quality of lives of all the targeted beneficiaries in Central Equatoria State,” he said.

The governor made emphasis on using the already available resilience structures in the counties to support the implementation of the project.