German agency trains peacemakers in Terekeka

Twenty-five South Sudanese have completed a refresher course to support gender equality and prevent violence in Terekeka County, Central Equatoria State.

The training, organized by German agency GIZ and the Local Government Board, was titled; “Local Governance and Promotion of Peaceful Coexistence (LoGo)”. It took place at Watenakita Women Center in Terekeka County from July 1-4.

The training focused to refresh and to strengthen the Sport for Development (S4D) approach to promoting gender equality, peace and preventing violence through sports.

Among the 25 participants were teachers and students as well as members of the local youth, football, and wrestling associations. All participants had received an introductory training on the S4D approach and methods in December 2023 and June 2024.

The refresher training covered topics like the integration of gender-transformative and violence-preventive approaches, safeguarding in sport, inclusion, and leadership qualities.

Sports kits were handed out to the local football association and 19 of its football teams, as well as the wrestling, youth, and women’s associations to support them in conducting S4D activities in their communities. Each kit contained footballs, pumps, training vests and a set of marker cones.

“I appreciate the work GIZ South Sudan is doing through its Sport for Development program for the youth in Terekeka. The participants will be agents of change in our county,” said Juma Wani Jabri, who is responsible for sport related activities in the county.

The LoGo program has been implemented by GIZ South Sudan on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) since August 2022. The project is striving to increase the transparency of local administrations and to ensure that the development needs of the public are being considered by training local administrative staff and facilitating joint planning with the communities.

Germany supports the long-term development of South Sudan, especially in the fields of local governance, rural development, sustainable agri-food systems, water and sanitation supply, peace and reconciliation, gender equality and SGBV prevention.