File photo: Johnson Olony

General Johnson Olony appointed governor of Fashoda state

Lieutenant-General Johnson Olony, an opposition general who commands the Aguelek forces of the Shilluk Kingdom in South Sudan’s Upper Nile State, has been appointed as the governor of Fashoda state by opposition leader Riek Machar.

Lieutenant-General Johnson Olony, an opposition general who commands the Aguelek forces of the Shilluk Kingdom in South Sudan’s Upper Nile State, has been appointed as the governor of Fashoda state by opposition leader Riek Machar.

The forces known as Aguelek under General Johnson were initially allied with the government but defected to former first vice president Riek Machar in mid-2015 after the killing of Commander Johnson Bwugo, allegedly by pro-government militia, in an ambush north of Malakal.

South Sudan’s rebel leader Riek Machar appointed other four new military governors in Upper Nile and Bahr al Ghazal regions after removing the governors who were previously assigned to serve the opposition faction in those areas.

The newly appointed governors include Salah Momogi Mameri Koni in Raja, Brig Gen Koang Rambang Chol in Bieh state, Brig Gen.Tor Tunguar Kueiguong (Liech) and Brig. Gen. Nhial Nyal Ding (Adar).

The new changes affected Lt.Gen Ruai Kuol Jal (Liech state), Lt.Gen Koang Gatkuoth Kerjok (Bieh state), Lt. Gen Sadam Chayout Manyang (Adar state), Maj. Gen Jokuino Fidel Nyikayo (Fashoda state) and Brig Gen Dhahya Ahmed Faraheldor of Raja state.