Gawar Nuer, Murle community hold peace dialogue

Representatives of the Gawar Nuer in Jonglei State and their Murle counterparts from the Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA) on Wednesday concluded a 3-day peace dialogue in which the two sides agreed to end conflict and embrace peace.

Representatives of the Gawar Nuer in Jonglei State and their Murle counterparts from the Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA) on Wednesday concluded a 3-day peace dialogue in which the two sides agreed to end conflict and embrace peace.

The grass-roots peace event was held in Jonglei State’s Ayod town.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj, James Chuol Jiek, the Ayod County commissioner, said: “There has been cyclic cattle raids involving youth from both sides. So, as part of forging peace, from 15-17 November, we received 7 youths, women representatives, and traditional chiefs from the Murle community.”

The local official said the two sides agreed to end violence, reconcile and recommit to the resolutions of the Pieri peace conference which they signed in March. 

Nyany Korok, the deputy GPAA human rights commissioner, said: “Our representatives are still in Ayod. The purpose of this dialogue is that we want to be in peace with the Gawar Nuer although we do not share any boundary with them. As soon as they finish talks there, a similar event will also be held in Pibor to build trust.”

For his part, John Abulla, the GPAA deputy chief administrator, said he hoped the recurring peace events among the local communities in Greater Jonglei will restore peace to the restive areas and called on all the youth to desist from violence, emphasizing that youth are the key to the country’s development.