Funding gap cripples Bor hospital

A health worker in Jonglei State says that many employees and doctors in the hospital have not been paid in months. 

A health worker in Jonglei State says that many employees and doctors in the hospital have not been paid in months. 

“The welfare of staff in South Sudan is still a big challenge,” Ayol Mach Ayol, a gynecologist and a head of obstetrics and gynecology department in Bor State hospital said in an interview.

He added that “retaining workers is a problem, even now they are having a problem of retaining me.”

Because of a funding shortage, officials in Bor state hospital worry they may have no workers soon.

Ayol said there are over 200 workers in the Bor hospital, and said that NGOs are doing most of the work in the hospital. NGOs are doing the waste management, provision of some essential drugs and payment of some staff, according to Ayol.

Notice of Correction: Doctors Without Borders says that references to MSF earlier included in this article were not factually correct – it was wrongly stated, for example, that MSF pays salary of staff at the hospital. These references to MSF have been removed.