Fuel, water shortages affect schooling in Khartoum

Sudanese citizens in various residential areas in Khartoum and Omdurman have reported fuel and water shortages.

Sudanese citizens in various residential areas in Khartoum and Omdurman have reported fuel and water shortages.

They said vehicles have been lining up to buy fuel at petrol stations, and the absence of diesel and benzene has contributed to a lack of water too.

Teachers in some schools in Um Badda area have sent their children home because there is not enough water in the schools.

According to one source, a barrel of water cots 50 SDG and a cup of water reached 1 SDG at Suk Labia in Omdurman.

Karm-Allah Abbas, head of farmers union in al-Gadarif State, warned against a failing agricultural season due to the fuel shortage.

For its part, the Sudanese government said it introduced tough measures to address the fuel crisis in Khartoum and the states. The newly appointed minister of petroleum set up a mechanism including security organs to control what he termed as “manipulation of fuel.”

Radio Tamazuj earlier reported that citizens in Khartoum complained about fuel shortage affecting movement of public transports, with taxi drivers lining up at petrol stations.