Free Voice staff released by South Sudan National Security

The organization Free Voice South Sudan has announced that security agents on Wednesday released one of their staff after no charges were made against him.

The organization Free Voice South Sudan has announced that security agents on Wednesday released one of their staff after no charges were made against him.

“South Sudan’s National Security Service has released the office manager of Free Voice South Sudan, Mr. DeWet Spies, who had been detained on Friday, 10 October, the day before a scheduled trip home to see his family,” reads a press statement released on Wednesday by the organization.

Spies, a South African national, left on Wednesday from Juba International Airport soon after his release. 

“There were no charges made against Mr. Spies. His father, Chris Spies, expressed his gratitude to the South African Ambassador Gabriel Setloke, who helped secure his release,” the statement adds. 

The press release added that Free Voice will follow up with the authorities concerned to hear the reasons behind the detention.

“DeWet Spies works for a non-profit media house active and registered in South Sudan since 2008.  It produces humanitarian and peace-building programmes on education, health and children’s issues, including… popular serial dramas,” Free Voice said.