Following a clash in June 2015 between the SPLA-N and SAF in an area south of Blue Nile state capital, Al-Damazin, SPLA-N soldiers discovered a five-year-old girl who had been separated from her family.
SPLA-N officials reported the girl, Iman Fadlemula Mohamed Fadlemula, was in poor health. Since they discovered her, they have provided her with medical care and began making arrangements with the International Committee of the Red Cross to trace her family.
Last week they were finally reunited. SPLM-N spokesperson Mubarak Ardol said it showed the force’s commitment “to the safety of all of the civilians in Sudan, and to following all international laws and conventions toward the protection of civilians during armed conflicts.”
The SPLM-N also reaffirmed its promise to release 20 prisoners of war and 22 mining workers to the ICRC in the coming weeks.