Five youth from Miri area in South Kordofan’s capital Kadugli have spent two months in jail without charge.
The relatives of the detained youth told Radio Tamazuj that the Miri youths were arrested in October at a mine by the Security and Intelligence Services.
The families said they do not know their whereabouts until now after being detained by the security agents and accused of spying for the SPLA-North, which is fighting the Khartoum government in South Kordofan and Blue Nile states.
The complaining family members demanded the immediate release of their sons or that they should be taken to court for trial.
The detained youth were identified as Salam Khalifa, Somi Abdurrahman, Jubara El Nur, Amin Khamis, and Jido Khamis Kuwa.
Sudan: five youth arrested in Kadugli