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Fish trader killed in Ayod road ambush

A fish trader was waylaid and killed by armed assailants between Ayod and Uror counties in Jonglei State on Wednesday afternoon, authorities said.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj, one of the community leaders of Pading Payam in Nyirol County, Makuei Puok Bai, said the deceased, identified as Deng Nhial Deng, was traveling with his daughter from a fishing village in Ayod to his hometown of Pading when he was fatally attacked. His belongings were looted while the daughter escaped unharmed and reported the incident to relatives.

“Last evening, one of our businessman called Deng Nhial Deng was attacked at Ayod-Uror border by criminals. He had left Ayod for Pading when he was attacked at 2pm. We learnt of the incident when his daughter who was with him came to report to us. Some youth went there and buried the deceased,” he stated.     

Uror County Commissioner condemned the attack and demanded a probe into the incident.

However, Ayod County Commissioner James Chuol Jiek said he was not aware of the incident and pledged investigation.