SSPDF, armed Twic youth attack Abyei’s Rumamer and Alal counties

The Abyei Administrative Area minister of information on Sunday said fighting is going on in the area’s Rumamer and Alal counties.

The Abyei Administrative Area minister of information on Sunday said fighting is going on in the area’s Rumamer and Alal counties.

Minister Bol Koc told Radio Tamazuj Sunday that there is fighting in two counties and faulted the SSPDF’s Third Division Commander Gen. Akuei Ajou for the Alal County. He also said that the attack on Rumamer County was orchestrated by armed youth from Warrap State’s Twic County who are backed by a militia led by Gai Machiek.

“I would like to bring to the public’s attention, through Radio Tamazuj, that armed youth from Twic County backed up by the forces of Gai Machiek attacked Rumamer now and many people have been killed and some of the injured have been taken to hospital,” he stated. “Also, this (Sunday) morning, SSPDF soldiers under the command of Wunyiik Division 3 Commander Gen. Akuei Ajou attacked Alal County of Abyei and many people have been killed there and more details will be released later because there is great confusion right now.”

Last week, deadly fighting erupted in Ayuok village which lies on the border of Abyei and Twic County and is claimed by the neighboring communities from both jurisdictions. Dozens of SSPDF soldiers and members of their families were killed and many others were wounded.

SSPDF Division 3 Commander Gen. Akuei accused armed youth from Abyei of attacking the army’s barracks in Ayuok last Monday.