Female Payam Administrator killed in Lakes State

Authorities in Lakes confirmed that Mary Nyanathuoi Mager, the payam administrator of Tiaptiap was killed by an unknown gunman on Monday.

Authorities in Lakes confirmed that Mary Nyanathuoi Mager, the payam administrator of Tiaptiap was killed by an unknown gunman on Monday.

The police investigator in Cueibet County of Lakes State Manyuon Dhieu told Radio Tamazuj that the suspect who killed Nyanathuoi is still at large and that security forces were pursuing him.

“There was an incident yesterday where an unknown gunman killed a female payam administrator of Tiaptiap. It was very unfortunate and security forces are still following the suspect,” he said.

Dhieu said the motive for the murder remains unknown until the suspect is apprehended.

Johnson Akec, a local youth leader in Cueibet County, confirmed the incident and said the suspect immediately fled the crime scene.

When contacted, the caretaker minister of information and communication in Lakes State, William Koji Kirjok, said that he had not heard of the incident. 

“I am not aware of the killing of the female administrator in Tiaptiap but allow me to contact the executive director to inform him about it,” he said.