Federal Democratic Party proposes creation of 36 states

The leader of the federal Democratic Party, one of the holdout armed factions in South Sudan’s conflict has come out with a proposal seeking creation of 36 states in the country as an option to addres

The leader of the federal Democratic Party, one of the holdout armed factions in South Sudan’s conflict has come out with a proposal seeking creation of 36 states in the country as an option to address the dispute arising from the creation of 28 states.

Former youth minister Gabriel Changson Chang, who identifies himself as Chairman and Commander in Chief of the FDP/SSAF faction, said he came out with the proposal because the October 2, 2015 presidential establishment order by President Salva Kiir created land disputes between communities and made it impossible to enshrine the agreement into the current transitional constitution.

President Kiir, on 2 October 2015, issued Presidential Order no.36/2015 for the establishment of 28 states in the Republic of South Sudan replacing the 10 states. “This Presidential Order created land disputes between communities and made it impossible to enshrine the agreement into the current transitional constitution. The FDP/SSAF Leadership proposes the below options as viable means for resolving the impasse created by the 28 states,” a 16 September proposal, copy of which was extended to Radio Tamazuj reads in part.

The proposal points out two options, either the president freezes the establishment order creating 28 states and reverts back to 10 states or issue another order expanding the number of states to 36 as the alternative option.

He proposes Upper Nile state to be split into five separate states, unity state into three states, Jonglei state into six states, Eastern Equatoria states into two states, Raja as a state of its own.

The proposal, however, did not break up Lakes, Aweil , Tonj, Aweil East, Amadi, Maridi, Gbudue, Jubek, Terekeka and Yei.