Feature: A wedding party gone horribly wrong

A party that went horribly wrong has left a man grieving for his father, his wedding postponed, and police investigating a homicide.

A party that went horribly wrong has left a man grieving for his father, his wedding postponed, and police investigating a homicide.

On May 20th Lino Ayok was attacked at a pre-wedding party for his son Adellio Ajak, and recently died from his wounds. Adelio said he and his family had all hoped Ayok would come out of his coma, but “he never did. The pain is terrible,”

Now Ajak wants justice, but doesn’t know where to look. Police have asked witnesses of the incident come forward, which took place at the Mama Amina restaurant in Munuki residential area.

On that day, Adelio remembers being with his fiancé, Margaret William, when a stranger assaulted him and knocked him out. 

“I had apparently bumped into my assailant’s girlfriend,” he recalled to Radio Tamazuj. “My dad had apparently tried to stop this guy and his friend from assaulting my younger brother in the car park. In the process (Ayok) was assaulted. He was knocked down and one of them, who kept hitting him until he was unconscious lying in a pool of blood”

Adelio says that he found his father lying on the floor, and his fiancé tried to give him drugs and stop the bleeding. His father’s death has “left a big hole in our lives”.

“I had to postpone my wedding and my fiancé and I suffered financial loss, not to mention the emotional stress,” he said.

The couple is scheduled to marry on August 21, but nobody has come forward for an apology. No arrest has been made, and police did not comment at the time of press.

“My father was so proud that night. He was celebrating his eldest son getting married. Margaret and her girlfriends were there and all my other friends and family. There was laughing, dancing and celebrations,” he told Radio Tamazuj. “I would not wish this to happen to anyone. They stole my dad from me,”