Farmers prepare for rainy season in Tolodi County, Nuba Mountains

Farmers in Tolodi County in the Nuba Mountains region are gearing up for the farming season, according to Ahamed Abdulgadir, the Director of Agriculture.

Farmers in Tolodi County in the Nuba Mountains region are gearing up for the farming season, according to Ahamed Abdulgadir, the Director of Agriculture.

 In an interview with Radio Tamazuj, Abdulgadir stated that farmers in Tolodi County, located in the southern part of the Nuba Mountains region, are preparing for the upcoming rainy season.

Abdulgadir encouraged all farmers to continue cleaning their farms and be ready for the rain, even though it has been delayed. He emphasized the importance of readiness, as rain could arrive at any time. He praised farmers for their efforts in using farming tools to combat poverty, hunger, and improve food security in the Nuba Mountains region and Sudan as a whole.

Furthermore, Abdulgadir mentioned that people in Tolodi County are currently preparing land and seeds for the rainy season. Local farmers, who cultivate using traditional tools, are actively planting seeds in the ground to make the most of the upcoming rainfall.

Abdulgadir urged farmers to start farming early as it contributes to better food security in the Nuba Mountains and Sudan at large. Given the challenges facing Sudan, such as recent incidents, he emphasized that farming is crucial for people’s well-being.

He noted that despite the delayed rainfall, farmers in Tolodi County are actively engaged in farming activities. While May typically sees good rainfall, this year has experienced a delay. Nevertheless, farmers remain vigilant and prepared for farming activities.

Abdulgadir also encouraged farmers to work together in groups, known as “Nafir,” as it can enhance farm productivity. He stressed the importance of collective effort in farming, especially considering the current circumstances in the county.