Fangak County COmmission Biel Boutrus Biel (courtesy)

“Fangak County faces communication crisis”- Commissioner Biel

The Commissioner of Fangak County in Jonglei State, Biel Boutrus Biel, has raised concerns over the lack of a telecommunication network in the county, emphasizing its adverse impact on coordination with state leadership and the delivery of essential services to residents.

The Commissioner of Fangak County in Jonglei State, Biel Boutrus Biel, has raised concerns over the lack of a telecommunication network in the county, emphasizing its adverse impact on coordination with state leadership and the delivery of essential services to residents.

In an interview with Radio Tamazuj, Commissioner Biel highlighted the county’s isolation, stating that they are cut off from the rest of the state due to inadequate road connections and a complete absence of communication infrastructure.

“Fangak is like an island county,” he lamented.

He further said government activities often rely on residents serving as messengers to facilitate coordination.

“The absence of services severely hampers our operations. We sometimes resort to outdated radio communication or depend on the limited internet access available within the compounds of certain aid agencies. In some cases, we even dispatch individuals to deliver messages,” explained Biel.

The county commissioner appealed to telecommunication operators to invest in Fangak County and establish a reliable communication network that would bridge the existing gap.

Responding to the matter, Wany Bum, spokesperson for the Jonglei State Legislative Assembly, acknowledged the dire situation affecting not only Fangak but also Uror County, his place of origin, which lacks network coverage except in the county headquarters.

Wany Bum revealed that the assembly has been actively addressing these issues and engaging relevant government agencies to expedite the erection of network towers in the affected areas.

The legislator said they have been advocating for collaboration between the Communication Ministry and the National Information Ministry to accelerate the rehabilitation of networks destroyed during the war.

Elizabeth Nyadak Jok, the State Information Minister, assured that the government is fully aware of the communication challenges faced by Fangak County.

She affirmed that preparations are underway to promptly restore the telecommunication network in the county, offering hope for improved connectivity in the near future.