Families displaced and schools closed due to floods in Gogrial West- Courtesy photo

Families displaced, schools closed as floods ravage Gogrial West

Authorities in Gogrial West County in Warrap State said several families were displaced and moved to highlands as floods ravaged the area.

The authorities also confirmed the closure of schools and health facilities due to the floods.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj on Wednesday, Gogrial West County Commissioner Wek Koor Aru said 8 schools and 11 health facilities were closed alongside a number of hand pumps due to the floods. 

“All 8 schools in Gogrial West County and 11 health facilities have been closed down, many families displaced from the payam to another in the same county, and an unidentified number of hand pumps suspended from operation as the floods increased,’’ Aru said.

The floods, Aru added, started in July, resulting in the failure of crops, hence the looming famine.

The County Coordinator for the Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (RRC), Bol Kuch, warned that most areas were under the floods. He disclosed that a team from the state government had visited the area and their findings would be shared soon.

“Yes, the situation is worse because flood have spread to all locations in Gogrial West County,” he stated.

“A taskforce sent by the Warrap State Government to assess the situation has compiled its report to the state headquarters (Kuacjok) and it will release the full details,” said Kuch.

A State civil society leader, Bona Malual, said they were monitoring the situation.

“The floods are becoming a big problem, not only in Gogrial West County, but in the whole state,” he said.