Eye Radio wins CEPO’s Best Radio Award

Eye Radio has been awarded the best radio of the year by the Community Empowerment for Progress Organization, a prominent South Sudanese civil society group.

Eye Radio has been awarded the best radio of the year by the Community Empowerment for Progress Organization, a prominent South Sudanese civil society group.

In an event held in Juba on Saturday night, CEPO recognized the radio “for the informative role in broadcasting the South Sudan peace agreement live from Addis Ababa and for their outstanding role in entertaining and keeping the citizens of South Sudan informed.”

Two Eye Radio journalists also received awards: Clement Wani aka DJ Lomisak won the Best Music Presenter and Nicola Mandil won the Best Journalist of the Year award for his coverage of peace talks in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Mandil also produces and presents The Search for Peace, a special program which explores the prospects for peace in South Sudan by looking at the role of the citizens and leaders, well-wishers, regional leaders, and the international community.

Eye Radio is supported with funding of the US Agency for International Development (USAID). It started in Juba then later constructed FM repeaters in several state capitals elsewhere in the country. 

Source: EyeRadio.org

Photo (from left to right): DJ Lomisak, Eye Radio Station Manager Koang Pal, and Nichola Mandil display the awards – Feb 13, 2016 (Credit: Daniel Danis/Eye Radio)