Ex-deputy information commissioner calls for neutral patron for national dialogue, urges lifting press restriction

Wol Deng Atak, a former South Sudanese deputy information commisioner and  a newspaper editor,  has called for a neutral person to preside over the national dialogue, asserting that presi

Wol Deng Atak, a former South Sudanese deputy information commisioner and  a newspaper editor,  has called for a neutral person to preside over the national dialogue, asserting that president Salva Kiir, whom he said  has self-nominated himself, would not play a neutral role  as he  has  a side to defend in the conflict.

 “It is important for the nation to have well-defined national dialogues to bear transparency and independent patronage to steer the process toward inclusive and measured success. This seems not to be the case as President Kiir recently nominated himself to serve as the patron to National Debate exercise. This self-nomination is not plausible because Kiir is a side with interest to defend”, Wol wrote in an opinion article

 He called for the lifting of restriction on free speech and media spaces required for serious dialogues and the release of political leaders in detention by president Kiir’s regime.

“Kiir calls for forgiveness for the mistakes he might have committed against the nation needs to correspond to his behaviours toward oppositions. The oppositions currently under detention for opposing him or on ground of being sympathizers of Riek Machar should be released to show a good gesture. It would also serve as signal for reconciliation. For example releasing Hon. Andrew Kuach, Hon. Wol Mayom, Hon. Elise Wayuai, including critics from Eastern and Western Equatoria, among others political detainees would send a tone for reconciliation”, he adds.

He further stressed that Media houses forced close by Kiir’s office, because they reported stories directly touching him or are owned by people opposed to his rule should be allowed to resume print or broadcast.  He cited the Nation Mirror, Citizen, Destiny, Al Waton, Al Raiai, Al Masir, as among other Newspapers currently under the National Security’s ‘Detention’ and should be allowed to resume print.

“Not to over emphasize the importance of free media and free speech as key ingredients to a successful National Dialogues, allowing political space and free media is crucial for fostering good governance and peace building in a country”.