© UNICEF/Mark Naftalin| A woman with her daughter after receiving medical treatment in Jonglei State, South Sudan.

EU gives US$136m aid to the Greater Horn of Africa

The European Union (EU) has released an additional €122 million (US$136m) for humanitarian assistance in the Greater Horn of Africa, as the region continues to face the impact of conflicts and climate-related disasters such as drought and floods.

The funding, announced in a press release, will help address the most urgent needs of vulnerable populations, notably with food and nutrition assistance, but also with other services to meet basic needs, such as water and sanitation in locations at high risk of disease outbreaks.

In particular, the press release says, €42 million (US$47m) will be dedicated to partners working in Ethiopia, Somalia (€40 million) (US$45m) and South Sudan (€40 million).

This additional funding brings the total EU aid to the Greater Horn of Africa to more than €421 million (US$470m) so far this year, including a reinforcement of over €56 million (US$62m) mobilized in April in response to the consequences of the crisis in Sudan.

South Sudan is experiencing a sharp economic crisis this year, while the conflict in neighboring Sudan is also increasing displacement and the vulnerability of the population.

At least 80,000 people were in famine-like conditions. The prospect of new floods as of September is worrying, especially for areas that have not yet recovered from the previous four consecutive years of floods.