Displaced women and children in Darfur. (WFP photo) NEWS

Escaping El-Fasher: IDPs face dire realities

Over the past two days, the Al-Tiwisha area, east of El-Fasher in North Darfur State, has seen a significant influx of displaced individuals escaping the ongoing conflict. Many of these displaced persons, speaking to Radio Tamazuj, described their profound humanitarian suffering due to the complex and harsh conditions of war.

Manasik Mohammed Abdullah, a displaced person from El-Fasher shared her story with Radio Tamazuj, detailing injuries sustained in El-Fasher, undergoing surgery, and facing multiple displacements within the city before reaching Al-Tiwisha.

“I undertook a challenging journey with my family to Al-Tiwisha despite my injuries and the dangerous conditions. Upon arrival, local residents provided us with much-needed assistance,” she recounted.

Manasik emphasized the severe humanitarian conditions they face, compounded by financial constraints, as she left behind her father and siblings in Al-Fasher.

Babiker Adam Osman, a displaced person from Al-Salam neighbourhood in El-Fasher, described the challenges they encountered while fleeing the city on foot. “We left with very few belongings because there were no available vehicles for transportation out of the city,” he explained.

Babiker recounted facing significant harassment from the Rapid Support Forces during their escape until they arrived in Al-Tiwisha. “Along the way, armed groups forcibly recruited young men into mandatory military service,” he added. “When we reached Al-Tiwisha, we were without food, relying on local youth who provided us with some sustenance.”

Adila Imam Mustafa, another displaced person, shared her difficult experience during the clashes in El-Fasher. “I left with my injured sister in search of safety, passing through several locations,” she said.

Adila mentioned they had no money and faced great hardship on their journey to Al-Tiwisha. She expressed gratitude to the youth of Al-Tiwisha for their support at the shelter center, providing food, humanitarian aid, and medical treatment through the Al-Tiwisha Emergency Response Room, which operates through the efforts of local citizens and youth.