Eight arrested in Mayom County over cattle theft

Mayom County in Unity State has seen the arrest of eight individuals who were involved in cattle rustling, according to local authorities.

Mayom County in Unity State has seen the arrest of eight individuals who were involved in cattle rustling, according to local authorities.

Mayom County Commissioner John Bol Mayak told Radio Tamazuj on Tuesday that the suspects were apprehended on Sunday at Riah payam in Mayom County.

Following recent incidents of cattle raiding, security forces were deployed by Mayom County authorities at Riah payam last Saturday, Commissioner Mayak explained.

On July 3, a total of 86 cows were stolen from Riah payam in Mayom by criminals from the same area. It is believed that these individuals regularly transport the stolen cattle to Tonj County in Warrap State, where they exchange them with cattle from that region.

“The 8 people who attacked our community in Mayom will not be released soon as they are instigating problems between the communities of Mayom and Warrap State,” the commissioner affirmed.

Commissioner Mayak also mentioned that the investigation conducted by the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) has been concluded, and the case has been handed over to the local court in Mayom County headquarters. “Each of these eight individuals has been sentenced to three years in prison for their criminal activities,” he stated.

“We have identified two armed youths who are connected to these attacks. They are still at large, and we are actively searching for them to further investigate their involvement in creating insecurity,” Commissioner Mayak added. “Starting tomorrow, we will be transferring the eight criminals to the Bentiu prison headquarters, provided we have a suitable vehicle for transportation.”

Meanwhile, Unity State police spokesperson Lt. Col. David Matut Both acknowledged that they are aware of the arrest of the eight individuals involved in the cattle raids in Mayom County.

“It is now the responsibility of the police headquarters to proceed with the case. I will communicate with the SPLM office in Mayom County, and appropriate action will be taken against these criminals,” Lt. Col. David Matut stated.