Eastern Equatoria: Camp 15-Chukudum road impassable

The road connecting camp 15, along the Torit Kapoeta Road, to Chukudum in Budi County in Eastern Equatoria State has been shut down due to its poor state, hindering the transportation of goods and services.

According to sources, Khor [stream] Faraksika in Budi County has swelled following heavy rains impeding vehicles from crossing between Chukudum and Camp 15 and vice versa.

Daniel Garang, a goods vehicle driver, told Radio Tamazuj that since the closure of the road, they now use the Chahari, Lotome route to Chukudum which is long.

“Since the rains started, the road has deteriorated and drivers are suffering. At Faraksika, the river is full of water and you can spend three days there. The slope to the river is very long and has become very deep,” he explained. “This has now blocked the road and goods, commercial and private vehicles have failed to cross for the last week. We are now using Chahari, Chorokol, Lotome road to Chukudum. A bridge must be built over the river. If this road remains closed, the people of Budi will not have supply.”

For her part, Cecilia Naye Charles, a businesswoman in Chukudum, said she is worried that the road’s closure will spark a rise in commodity prices.

“Since this road got spoiled three weeks ago, we have not been doing any business. Vehicles are now using a long route via Narus, New Kush, and Lotukei to get to Chukudum which has increased transportation costs that have in turn led to the skyrocketing of commodity prices,” she stated. “As traders, we are not making any profits. We, as traders, are willing to contribute some small money if the government has a plan to fix the road.”

Meanwhile, Kokol Michael, an SPLM-IO Member of Parliament representing Budi County, confirmed the closure of the road, saying several requests have been submitted for the rehabilitation of the road but the government and its partners have not replied.

“The road is no longer passable. The water has deepened the stream and now, even a Toyota LandCruiser cannot cross. We have been crying but no one has managed to help. Currently, cars are using the Chahari Road but there is another bridge there that is also damaged and I think that it will also get cut off,” he said.

“The road from Narus, New Site, New Cush, and Lotukei to Chukudum takes two days of travel and commodities are getting scarce and expensive in the market. I am requesting the state roads ministry to rehabilitate that road,” he added.

The Eastern Equatoria State roads minister was not available for comment.