East Darfur to host Misseriya reconciliation conference

A committee established to reconcile sub-clans, Awlad Heiban and Awlad Surur, of the Misseriya tribe scheduled a conference to take place next month in East Darfur.

A committee established to reconcile sub-clans, Awlad Heiban and Awlad Surur, of the Misseriya tribe scheduled a conference to take place next month in East Darfur.

Taking place on February 22nd in the town of Daien, the conference is intended to resolve ongoing disputes between the clans.  These recently culminated in clashes that killed 17 people in el-Fula, South Kordofan.

Dr Mahmoud Hamid Ali, el-Fula province commissioner told Radio Tamazuj yesterday that the two communities reached an agreement last Friday, which the conference will be based on, in order to “close the last chapter” of disputes.

“The conflicting parties managed to sign the document in a ceremony witnessed by South Kordofan governor, Ahmed Haroun, and many other regional intellectuals,” Mahmud Hamid added.

He claimed that the signed document contains several items including procedures for ceasefire and cessation of hostilities as well as a commitment to immediately end any armed presence which impedes the movement of travellers in the area.

It also required both parties to refrain from issuing any statements to the media, to accept diversity policy and ensure the security of the region without infringement on the people or their property.  An emphasis was placed on finding peaceful means by which to claim rights and services.

Recent disputes between the Awlad Heiban and Awlad Surur groups are believed to have stemmed partially from disagreements over grazing rights and the involvement of a local oil company.  An agreement was struck prior to these clashes in el-Obeid although it was claimed that the resolutions were not implemented.