Participants at a peace conference between the Bargad and Rizeigat tribes in Yassin Locality, East Darfur, on Sunday, 1 October 2023 (Radio Tamazuj)

East Darfur: Rizeigat, Bargad tribes reaffirm commitment to peaceful co-existence

A conference to garner peace between the feuding Rizeigat and Barqad tribes in Sudan’s East Darfur State concluded on Sunday amid calls for strengthening peaceful co-existence, representatives of the two tribes said.

A conference to garner peace between the feuding Rizeigat and Barqad tribes in Sudan’s East Darfur State concluded on Sunday amid calls for strengthening peaceful co-existence, representatives of the two tribes said.

The conference was held in the Muhajiriya area of Yassin Locality.

Last week, clashes erupted between the Barqad and Rizeigat tribes in the Karmji area following differences between herders and farmers from both sides, where at least nine people were killed and four others injured on both sides.

Hamoda Mohammed Ambadi, Rapporteur of the High Committee for Promoting Security and Social Peace in East Darfur State, told Radio Tamazuj Monday that the conference endorsed the payment of blood money to families of nine people killed on both sides. He added that blood compensation for one person killed is equivalent to 71 cows according to the custom prevailing between the two tribes.

 Mohammed pointed out that the Misseriya tribe from South Darfur State mediated the peace and reconciliation conference between the two tribes.

“Among the outcomes of the conference is the commitment to pay blood money for eight people killed from Barqad tribe and one from Rizeigat, at the rate of 71 cows for each person killed, and this in addition to payment of an amount of 250,000 SDG for funerals,” he explained.

According to the rapporteur, the decision on the cases of those injured in last week’s clashes was postponed for a later date.

Meanwhile, Malik Muhammad Ali, leader of the Bargad tribe, said that the Rizeigat and Barqad tribes have overcome the deadly incident between them. Malik confirmed that the relationship between the two tribes has returned to its previous era after the peace conference.