Pictures of a hand and foot infested by jiggers.

E. Equatoria State Health Ministry confirms Jigger outbreak in disputed Iswore Boma

Health officials in Eastern Equatoria State have confirmed an out outbreak of jiggers in the contested Iswore Boma between Ikotos and Magwi counties.

Health officials in Eastern Equatoria State have confirmed an out outbreak of jiggers in the contested Iswore Boma between Ikotos and Magwi counties.
Jigger disease is caused by the female sand flea, Tunga penetran which borrows into the skin of its host usually on the feet but occasionally on the lips, buttocks, and even eyelids, and may result in abscess formation, tissue necrosis, and gangrene.

The Magwi County director of health, Martin Okot, told Radio Tamzuj on Wednesday that there is a high prevalence of jiggers in Iswore Boma but did not reveal the number of registered cases.

He said the county health team tried to intervene to mitigate the alarming jigger outbreak in the area but faced political interference from Ikotos County authorities.

“I think the prevalence of jiggers is high and almost every household that they visited had people with jiggers on their fingers, toes, and even other parts of the legs. It is an outbreak,” he explained. “The challenge is this political issue because, after assessment, I think interventions are supposed to have kicked off in Iswore. There were a lot of questions from some said to be intellectuals who were asking from which entity the health team was from.”

“Some legislators from Ikotos also interfered and we need that situation to be looked into,” Okot said.

Meanwhile, Tobia Magezii, the Eastern Equatoria State acting director general at the health ministry confirmed the outbreak and said an emergency meeting had been convened to deal with the matter.

“The jigger infestation is trying to deform the people in Iswore because they cannot walk properly. This parasite called Jiggers mostly affects children and our vulnerable mothers,” he said. “As a ministry, we called an emergency meeting to dispatch a team to Iswore. However, that area has some minor political problems but as the health ministry, we need to see that we are not associated with the politicians.”

“Health does not have boundaries and we want to rescue them,” Magezii added.

For his part, David Otto Remson, the commissioner of Magwi County, said the areas affected include Tingili, Akee, and Lomaratic of Iswore Boma and appealed to health partners in the state to intervene.

“This is one of the worst sicknesses in Iswore which is one of the bomas in Obone Payam. This sickness affects the legs and the body up to the human tongue and is very serious,” he said. “We have reported to the World Health Organization (WHO), Health Link, and all health partners. Everybody has jiggers in their legs and it is hindering their movement. Partners should intervene to support the people in the area.”

Attempts to reach Ikotos County authorities for comment were futile.